
Aploze admin allows you to create users who will get access to your channel with differents roles and rights.

1. Users list

By clicking on the Users tab you find the list of users with access to your channel. Users can have two different roles:

  • Admin: Administrator who has access to all sections of the channel

  • Moderator: Moderator who only has access to moderating live shopping events

2. Add user

You can create new users who will have access to your channel. To do this, you must click on the Add user button located to the right of the Users block.

A pop-up appears and you must enter the following information:

  • Name: User name

  • Email: User email address

  • Role & Permissions: User role selection (Admin or Moderator)

Once these fields are filled in, you can validate the creation of this new user by pressing the Send invitation button.

The user created will receive an email with his credentials to connect to the channel. He can then modify his name and e-mail address from his user account.

3. Edit user

If you are Admin, you can edit the role of the users of your channel. To do this, you must click on a user from the list.

A pop-up appears, and you can change the role of this user by selecting Admin or Moderator. Once this choice has been made, you can validate the modification by pressing the Save button

4. Delete user

If you are Admin, you can delete a user by clicking on the red button to the right of a user.

A validation pop-up will then appear for you to confirm the deletion of this user by pressing Delete

Last updated