The stream you are sending is relative to your Internet connection. Particularly the upload speed. The best the quality is, the best your upload speed needs to be fast and stable. See our recommendations regarding quality and upload speed.
Minimum Upload Speed connection
On the video encoder, you also need to setIDR/Keyframe
to a 2-second interval.
Avoid setting IDR/Keyframe
to values higher than 5 seconds. Not only will the stream-start latency be higher than when using 1 or 2 seconds, but we will be unable to guarantee that every segment generated for playback will begin with an IDR/keyframe. Segments not beginning with an IDR/keyframe may result in decode errors or visual distortions when viewers start playback or change renditions.
Avoid speed slow-down and variation
Get a wired connection
Use up-to-date software and hardware
Remove excess devices from your network
Close excess programs and apps on your computer
Remove malware; ad blockers and privacy tools
Last updated