Floating Highlight

The Aploze tool allows you to increase the audience of your Highlight by capitalizing on the natural traffic of your eCommerce website.

1. Add display condition

You can determine on which pages you want the floating highlight to appear on your platform. To do this, simply click on the Add display condition button. A pop-up window will appear and you will have to fill in two fields:

  • Condition: Indicate which type of condition you wish to apply to the appearance of the floating highlight (contains, does not contain, is, is not, regex).

  • Value: Specify the value that will be affected by the condition you have specified.

Example: You want the floating highlight to be displayed only on the home page of your site (www.mywebsite.com). To do this, filled the fields below: Condition: Is

Value: www.mywebsite.com

Once you have filled in the fields you can validate your condition by clicking on the Save button. Your display condition will appear and you can delete it or add a new one to be more precise.

2. OR / AND option

Once you've created your first condition:

  • You can create another condition on the same conditions group. Each display condition will use an alternative option OR. To do it you have to click on the + located à the right of the conditions group.\

  • You can create another condition group. Each condition group will use a cumulative option AND. To do it you have to click on the Add display condition button.

3. Select your Highlight

You can select the Highlight you want to display on the widget by clicking on the Displayed Highlight push.

A pop-up window will appear and you will have to determine two elements:

  • Highlight: Select the Highlight to display on the widget between all you already created on your channel

  • Related playlist: Determine on which playlist you want to display this Highlight if he is linked to several playlists.

Once you have determined these elements you can validate by clicking on the Save button.

4. Test your condition

To ensure that your display conditions are correct you can use our tool to check them. To do this, you can click on the Test your condition button. A pop-up window will appear and you will have to fill the URL your want to test.

After entering the URL of your site that you wish to test, you can click on the Launch test button. Once this is done, you will have two possible results:

  • Green: Your URL matches your conditions and that the floating highlight will be displayed on it during the live event.

  • Red: Your URL does not match your conditions and the floating highlight will not display on it.

5. Display your Highlight

Once you have set up all your display conditions you can come back on your website to see the Floating Highlight displayed on the pages you decided.

Last updated