Edit the replay

Thanks to the Aploze tool you can edit your replay phase, by editing the video, modify the product display timings but also add new products after the fact.

1. Go to the editing tool

To access to the replay edition tool, you just have to click on the square button located at the top right of your screen. A submenu will appear and you just have to click on Edit replay to be redirected to the edition tool.

2. Discover the tool

Once you're redirected on the edition tool, you will be able to see several elements:

  • Products list: All the products which are displayed during your replay. You can delete products and add new ones.

  • Timeline video: The replay video that you can browse, see when products are displayed, edit the beginning and end of the video, and also replace the entire video by one of your choice.

You can use our keyboard shortcuts to enhance your experience: SPACEBAR: Play/Stop the video

RIGHT ARROW: Moves the red cursor backward by one second

LEFT ARROW: Moves the red cursor forward by one second

3. Edit products displays

You can edit the display timings of your products on the replay. Each product has 2 timings, the START when the product is displayed on the replay experience, and the END when the product disappears on the experience.

To edit those timings, you just have to click on the product you want on the products list. A panel will appears with the dedicated product and the 2 timings.

You can modify the timings on 2 different ways:\

  1. Timing fields: You can directly fill the timing you want on the field to modify the product display. Don't forget to press ENTER on your keyboard to validate your timing.\

  2. Marker button: You can move the red cursor on the timeline where you want to display the product. When the cursor is a the good point, you can click on the button located on the right of the START field in order to take the timing of the red cursor. You can replicate this operation with the END field.

Once your changes are done, you can validate them by clicking on the green button Save

Each product displayed on the replay has a dedicated line on top of the timeline. You can put your mouse on each line to see the product displayed and the START and END timing associated.

You cannot display a product that shares a common timing with another. And you can't display a product that is outside the overall length of the replay video.

4. Add / Delete product

You can add new product on your replay but also delete those you don't want anymore:

A. Add product

You can click on the square button located on the top right corner of the products list. Once you clicked, a pop-up will appears with all the products contained on your catalog. You can add a product by clicking on a single product or by creating a group of products.

Then, click on Save button to add your product on the replay list.

A new product will be added to the list and will appear with dotted lines and the mention "To define" indicating that you need to set the display timings to show it on the replay experience.

A. Delete product

You can delete a product from the list on 2 different way:

  1. You can click on the red delete button to the right of each product of the list.

  2. You can click on a product, and after click on the Delete button located at the bottom of the panel.

When you have deleted a product, it disappears from the product list and timeline.

5. Edit the video

You can edit the duration of the replay if you want to cut a part of the beginning or the end of the video. To do this, you have the choice between 2 ways:\

  1. Timing fields: There are two fields at the bottom of the timeline which represent the START (right) and the END (left) of the video. You can directly fill the timing you want on each field to modify the video duration.\

  2. Timeline handles: You can edit the START and the END of the video by moving the handles at the ends of the timeline.

You cannot edit the timeline duration if some products are displayed outside the video duration.

6. Replace the video

Thanks to the edition tool, you are able to replace the replay video by another one from your Desktop. To do this, you have to click on the square button at the left of the Save button. Then, you can select the video you want and wait for the uploading processus. Once the video is uploaded, you can edit the START and END timings.

When you replace a video, the timings of the products in the list will be reset and you will have to set them again.

You must upload a video with the same dimensions as the initial replay video. If you do not, the video will be cut off.

7. Cancel your changes

Vous avez fait une erreur et vous voulez revenir en arrière ? Pas de panique, l'outil d'édition vous permet d'annuler vos actions et même de réinitialiser toutes vos modifications:

  1. Undo: If you wish to cancel your last modification, simply click on the square button with the left arrow above the timeline on the left.\

  2. Redo: If you want to go back to a change you have cancelled, just click on the square button with the right arrow above the timeline on the left.\

  3. Reset: If you want to reset all the changes you have made since your last save, just click on the Reset button above the timeline on the right.

Please note that once you have clicked on the Save button, you will not be able to use the Undo / Redo / Reset button to undo your previous actions.

Last updated