How Aploze uses cookies

There are 2 cookies used by the solution, a functional one, and the analytics one.

Which cookies are used in Aploze ?

Type: First-Party (Only relative to your domain) Name: _aplz_tc.YOUR_DOMAIN_KEY Host: Expiration: 1 year by default, can be modified in the admin panel Value: In this cookie, we store a JSON string with consent preferences and the viewerID:

    "consent": {
        "technical": true, // Functional cookie consent
        "analytics": true, // Analytics cookie consent
        "tos": true, // Terms of service consent
        "expiration": 365 // Cookie expiration
    "viewerId": "f984090209fc6f7f" // Viewer ID

This cookie is essential to use the Aploze solution, when a user open an event, he need to be identified, so we generate a random viewerId and we need a cookie to persist it.

This cookie allows Aploze to keep viewer logged into his account for subscription, chat, commercial interactions, legal preferences… and keep a consistent user experience across devices used by viewer during a show (From desktop SMS subscription to Mobile SMS reception)

This cookie is also necessary to monitor and scale the size of our hosting servers to guarantee high availability of our service and keep integrity and security of our service : prevent bots, ban a viewer in the chat.

A viewerID is attached to a user profile in our database, for more information, see our viewers personal data documentation.

Type: First-Party (Only relative to your domain) Name: _aplz_ac.YOUR_DOMAIN_KEY Host: Expiration: 1 year by default, can be modified in the admin panel Value: In this cookie, we store a JSON string with the trackerID:

    "trackerId": "720bcc53dfb352d1", // The tracker ID
    "sessionId": "13q4jcj7d174fuemjte61", // The session ID
    "sessionTs": "1657699259013" // The session Timestamp

This cookie is optional to use the Aploze solution, this one is only used for analytics.

It works with our internal analytics system in order to track user events like clicks and views. User events are sent to our Analytics back-end with a trackerID, and this cookie is useful to persist it.

A sessionId, is also stored. A session is a group of user interactions with Aploze player that take place within a given time frame. A session lasts until 30 minutes of inactivity, that's why we also store a timestamp to measure it: sessionTs

This cookie-based persistence allows you to record accurate user journey through all your live shopping events on your domain and understand usage of Aploze to answering questions like how many time your user was confronted to a given product, how many time he stayed, which product he clicked... The analytics behavior is based on the user consent. If user accepts Analytics cookie, the trackerID is linked to a viewerID, then to a user profile. You'll be able to access user data and user journey. But if he refuses Analytics cookie, clicks and views are still send to our analytics back-end, but not linked to a viewerID, then not linked to a user profile. In this case, the trackerID is used to create global anonymous statistics in order to answer question like how many users clicks on this product. If the user reloads the page, a new trackerID is generated, there is no ways for us to link logs between the new session and the previous one.

A trackerID is not attached to a user profile in our database, except if user accepts Analytic cookies and terms of service. For more information, see our viewers personal data documentation.

Last updated