Edit your Highlight

Once you create your first Highlight, it will default to the top of your list. But you can change its display order at any time using the drag-and-drop feature.

1. Select Highlight

You have to select the Highlight you want to edit by clicking on it from the list. Once you've clicked on your Highlight, you will be redirected to his dedicated page composed of several tabs:

  • Products: Edit the products displayed and the video used

  • Settings: Edit your Highlight settings

  • Analytics: Analyze the KPIs and the impact of your Highlight

2. Products

To edit the products and the video of your Highlight you have to click on the Products tab

Once you've clicked on it, you have several abilities:

  1. Edit the products:

Click on a single product or several products on the list to edit it. Then you can define when it will be displayed on the video as you can do on the Edit replay tool.

  1. Add products:

You can select the product(s) you want to display on your Highlight by clicking on the + button located on the top right bottom. Once you select your product, you can define when it will be displayed on the video as you can do on the Edit replay tool.

  1. Delete products:

You can delete products from your Highlight by clicking on the red button with the trash located at the right of the product.

  1. Edit video:

You can edit the video of your Highlight as you can do on the Edit replay tool. You can also replace the video by clicking on the red button located at the top right corner of the video.

Once you've done your edit, you can click on the Save button to save your changes.

You must select a video to create a Highlight

2. Boosts

To edit the boosts of your Highlight you have to click on the Boosts tab

Once you've clicked on it, you have several abilities:

  1. Edit boost:

Click on a boost on the list to edit it. Then you can edit the fields of this boost as you did during the creation.

  1. Delete boost:

You can delete boost from your Highlight by clicking on the red button with the trash located at the right of the boost.

  1. Order boosts:

You can choose the display order of each boost by dragging and dropping them into the list.

3. Settings

To access the Highlight settings you have to click on the Settings tab

Once you've clicked on it, you have several fields to edit:

  • Highlight name: The name you want to give to your shoppable video

  • Call to action: The call to action to display on the product push

  • Watchlists: The watchlist(s) where you want to display the Highlight

  • Highlight Cover: The cover you want to display on your carousel

  • Program Highlight: The dates when this shoppable video will be automatically displayed and disabled on your eCommerce website.

  • Highlight Direct Link: Add this parameter at the end of your URL in order to open your Highlight directly without going through the carousel.

  • Single Highlight: Display a unique highlight and select the dedicated playlist

Once you've done your edit, click the Save button to save your changes.

4. Analytics

By accessing the Analytics tab, you will find a dashboard where you can find several metrics about your Highlight. The data displayed on this dashboard are tracked in real time in order to measure impact.

You can also use the date picker in the top right corner. This feature allows you to select the time range you want to define in order to display the metrics

Mains KPIs

  • Total watchtime: Total number of minutes viewed

  • Total views: Total number of views

  • Total product clicks: Number of clicks on products

  • Total sales: Total sales generated by users who watched Highlight


  • Unique viewers: Number of unique viewers who watched the Highlight

  • Average watch time: Viewer average time passed on the Highlight

  • Evolution of the number of product clicks

  • Evolution of the number of viewers


  • Duration: Highlight video duration

  • Total viewers: Total number of viewers who watched Highlight

  • Likes: Numbers of likes sent

  • Shares: Number of shares

  • Explore opened: Number of clicks on Explore tab

  • Engagement rate: Percentage of viewers who interact on the Highlight (like, click product, click explore, share)


  • Tablet: Percentage of viewers who used a Tablet device

  • Mobile: Percentage of viewers who used a Mobile device

  • Desktop: Percentage of viewers who used a Desktop device

Traffic sources

  • Distribution of the visitor's origins

Conversion funnel

  • Audience reach: All visitors who see the Highlight from the carousel implemented on your website

  • Unique viewers: Number of unique viewers who watched the Highlight

  • Purchases: Total of purchases done by viewers who watched Highlight


  • Total product Clicks: Number of clicks on products

  • Viewers product clicks: Number of unique viewers who clicked at least one product

  • Product clicks rate: Percentage of viewers who clicked at least one product

  • Purchases: Total of purchases done by viewers who watched Highlight

  • Purchase rate: Percentage of viewers who validated at least one purchase

  • Total sales: Total sales generated by users who watched Highlight

  • Product sales: Sales generated on products displayed on Highlight by viewers

  • Other sales: Sales generated on products not displayed on Highlight by viewers

  • Average purchase: Average amount of all purchases

  • Maximum purchase: Highest purchase amount

  • Minimum purchase: Lowest purchase amount


  • Number of clicks and purchases on each product from the Highlight

Last updated