
The Aploze JS SDK exposes a complete API on the page via JavaScript for interacting with the Aploze platform. This allows your scripts to programmatically interact with the Aploze SDK. You can register consents that you would collect yourself, pass a custom user ID, and show/hide the Aploze Player.

Aploze working with cookies (see cookies sections), and if you want to handle user cookies consents on your website, you need to send to Aploze the user consents.

To do this your can register cookies consent directly in the Tag or using this method:

Aploze.setConsent(technicalCookie: boolean, analyticsCookie: boolean)

Custom User ID

A user has an Aploze-relative user ID, but he can have an additional one, the Custom User ID. This ID comes from your website (User Account ID, Analytics user ID...) and is useful to get a user reference during users data export.

You can send your Custom User ID directly in the Tag or using:

Aploze.setUserId(userId: string)


You can manage the display of the player. This is useful to create your own gallery or open the player from any elements on your website, with a given eventId.

Aploze.openPlayer(eventId: string, options?)

Options: {status?: string}

The "status" is here to simulate an event status, valid values are teasing, live or replay

And if you need to close the player for any reason:



You can manage the display of the feed. This is useful to create your own carousel or open the feed from any elements on your website, with a given highlightId.

Aploze.openFeed(highlightId: string, options?)

Options: {muted?: boolean}

The "muted" is here to play directly the video with sound if you had retrieved by yourself a user action.

And if you need to close the feed for any reason:


Cart Synchronization

If you want to sync your website's cart with Aploze, please read our dedicated guide to:

Sync your Shopping Cart

This method below is only used to send a feedback to the user when a product is added to the cart on your website.

Aploze.sendCartFeedback(success: boolean | object)

success can be a boolean value or an object, it depends of the case:

  • The product was successfully added to the cart\

    Aploze.sendCartFeedback(true) // Boolean
  • This product is temporarily out of stock\

    Aploze.sendCartFeedback({success: false, error: 'out-of-stock'}) // Object
  • An error has occurred when you tried to add the product\

    Aploze.sendCartFeedback(false) // Boolean

Last updated