Use Conversational Replay

Make your Replay conversational with iAdvize and let your customers interact with your brand directly inside the Aploze Replay.


The Conversational Replay is an exclusive Aploze by iAdvize feature that allows your users to interact directly with your brand during an Aploze Replay session. Let's see our demo to understand all the potential of this new capability:

Before starting, you need to have 2 things:

  1. You need to have access to your iAdvize Admin

  2. You need to have access to your Aploze Admin


1. Enable Conversational Replay on your Aploze Event

There are many JS events listenable on Aploze, but the event that will interest us for synchronize your shopping cart is the one who returns a product when the user clicks on "Add to cart" Button.

  1. Click on "Events" tab on the left sidebar

  2. Click on the event where you want to enable Conversational Replay

  3. Click on "Settings" tab

  4. Select "Enabled" on Conversational Replay dropdown input: \

  5. Copy your eventID from your browser’s address bar: You eventID is the last portion of the url …events/your-eventId You will need this ID later during your iAdvize campaign configuration.\

2. Create your campaign on iAdvize

  1. Create an engagement campaign with customized targeting method (see How to create an engagement campaign)

  2. To make your conversational replay works, you need to create a custom target rule (see How to create a targeting rule)

  3. Now, let’s set our custom targeting configuration:\

  4. In your targeting configuration, create a new targeting rule called "Open Replay Event"\

  5. Add a new condition: \

  6. Click on “Current page”, this condition is based on current page browsing\

  7. Select “contains” in “current page” select box

  8. As a value, type aploze-replay-your_event_id (with the event ID previously retrieved from your address bar in Aploze Admin)\

  9. Click on "Add"

  10. Let’s select the behavior relative to our condition:\

  11. Click on "Notification"\

  12. Select “Chatbox”\

  13. Click on "Save" to register our new targeting rule\

  14. Our targeting rule is creating, let’s click on "Save" to register our Conversational Replay Campaign

  15. Don’t forget to configure campaign routing to distribute conversations to the agent most qualified to respond (See How to distribute conversations)

  16. To always display the iAdvize chatbox during conversational replay, you need to handle your conversation queue and enable asynchronous conversations. (See Conversation Queue)

Last updated